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Forfatter Emne: BF2142 patch 1.06 *UPDATE*  (Læst 7451 gange)
0 Medlemmer og 1 Gæst læser dette emne.
WanParty Medlem
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« Dato: 22. November '06 kl. 16:23 »

Hvis det skulle være gået forbi nogens næser (og i øvrigt have interesse), så har EA udgivet patch 1.05 til BF2142:


Fix List:

    * Fixed Ground Defense kills to properly count towards the Ground Base Defense Ribbon
    * Fixed an exploit with using the Air Transport to gain points at an unnatural rate
    * Fixed a issue that caused scores and ranks to be improperly displayed in the front end
    * The Silver Titan Destruction Badge will now be properly awarded when the core is destroyed
    * The PAC Duty Ribbon will no longer be awarded randomly when a player enters a server
    * Single player End of Round screen will now display round stats properly
    * Enemy Squad Leader Spawn Beacon is now visible on the 3d-map
    * Crouch may now be bound to the same key for both common use and land vehicles (Battlewalkers)
    * Fixed an issue which allowed the Titan guns to be re-supplied for points
    * Players may no longer repeatedly spam a squad leader with requests to join a locked squad
    * Accept and Reject prompts will no longer be displayed in the debug console
    * Titan Survival pin will now be correctly rewarded to players who safely escape a titan after the core is destroyed
    * Fixed the issue that prevented players from reviving team mates in a moving Titan
    * Fixed an exploit that allows players to use tanks to enter building geometry
    * Players may now play single player offline mode when EA master servers are down
    * Fixed issues with Battle Recorder Playback and Camera control
    * Fixed the issue that caused missile silos to appear in the wrong locations on players’ HUDs.
    * Fixed the issue that caused the Squad Leader Spawn Beacon to not be usable after map and round rotations.
    * Added the proper game information to the Swedish install for when a mutiny occurs against the commander
    * 2142 will no longer show up as Battlefield 2 in the Windows Firewall Exception List
    * Altered some player collision inside the Titan. This should improve many of the Player / Titan interactions
    * Adjusted the Deviation per bullet on the Assault Rifles. This will allow the AR weapons to be more effective in medium to short range fire fights.
    * Titans will stop moving once the Titan shield go down
    * Battlefield 2142 will now close after a player selects “OK” in the patch prompt.
    * Added additional support during map load to prevent EA Master Server disconnects during map load times
    * Client Version is now displayed at the Login Screen


Ganske i stil med DICE's lancering af BF2 (hvis nogen ikke skulle have fortrængt især patch 1.01 til BF2) er DICE nu på banen med en HOTFIX til deres seneste patch. Patch 1.06 byder på følgende ændring:

Following the v1.05 Update for Battlefield 2142, some players have experienced crashes at the end of the round when playing in Titan mode. The crash occurs under a certain circumstance while the Titan explosion is taking place. Today we are releasing a hot fix, Update v1.06, which corrects this problem. No other changes are introduced in this Update.

Please remember that when installing Update v1.06 for Battlefield 2142 you must first exit the game.

Sørme godt de fik den sidste linje med, dér. Jeg patcher ellers altid mine spil in-game. Rullende øjne

Download patch 1.06 til BF2142 her
« Sidste ændring: 24. November '06 kl. 22:01 af Geddeth » Logget

Keep It Simple.
WanParty Medlem
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Beskeder: 1.092

« Svar #1 Dato: 24. November '06 kl. 22:03 »

Insane *bump* machine.

Keep It Simple.
Minecraft Admin
WanParty Medlem
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WanParty Ex-Admin

« Svar #2 Dato: 26. November '06 kl. 14:55 »

Er kommet til den konklussion at jeg holder mig langt væk fra BF2142  Vred

EA og Dice har siden 1942 (meh, throw in BF:V) ikke haft styr på en hat når det kom til patches af deres BF-serie.
Spot til skade er at alle de forums som jeg læser igennem flyder med nedladende kommentarere fra brugerene om netop denne sidste del af BF-quatrologien, både hvordan det kører - EA/Dice's support af det og, min egen lille pet-peeve, den tvungne installation af spy-ware for at gøre spillet til en reklamestation netop tilpasset mig  Vred

Og selvom der er solstråler imellem om at 2142 er hvad BF2 skulle have været etc. etc. så ender BF-historien for mig vist desværre med BF2 (pt. i hvert fald), så vi fragges i dette og UT  Blink

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