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Forfatter Emne: Patch 1.4 i morgen  (Læst 12813 gange)
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WanParty Medlem
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« Dato: 14. August '06 kl. 15:57 »

Endelig har EA fået nosset sig sammen til at release patch 1.4, og den byder vist på mange rettelser, forbedringer og endda en ny map, Road to Jalalabad. Her er beskeden fra EA Spain:

Citat fra: EA
First of all, we'd like to thank everybody who has contributed with the Beta Testing of the Patch 1.4 for posting your opinions on the forums.

Your opinions and reports has been very useful for us to improve the stability of the client and server for this patch. Also, we proudly present “Road to Jalalabad” sponsored by Comcast, and the new server option “Infantry Only” which will give you a new dimension for the classic Battlefield experience. The 1.4 patch will be available next Tuesday, the 15th of August.

Also, on a new effort for supporting our community, we are pleased to announce the first cycle of our MODLight where we will check the talent of the community's mod teams. As a part of this, every mod will be tested and hosted on servers arround the globe for the player's enjoyment.

More details about this patch and the MODLight program at the beginning of the incoming week!

The Battlefield Team

En uofficiel changelog nævner følgende rettelser:

Added prone delay to stop dolphin divers
Fixed vehicle drop so you can't call for a vehicle on top buildings or the carriers
Fixed muscle car in Armored Fury that was taking damage just driving around
Fixed server browser so it can sort by map names
Fixed CTD bug from 1.3 patch
Tried again to fix the Red/Blue tag bug
New gametype: Infantry Only
New map: Road To Jalalabad
Allowed unlocks on unranked servers

Det betyder, at vi til næste WanParty.dk event spiller med patch 1.4 og selvfølgelig tester den nye map af. Der kommer en notits om det på forsiden snart Blink

Kilde: TotalBF2
« Sidste ændring: 18. August '06 kl. 10:04 af Geddeth » Logget

Keep It Simple.
WanParty Medlem
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« Svar #1 Dato: 17. August '06 kl. 18:16 »

 Rullende øjne *sigh*

Citat fra: EA
Community Update - 8/15/06

Greetings Everyone, As many of you are now aware we have made the choice to take some extra time with the 1.4 patch before release.

During our standard final processing of the 1.4 client update we came across an issue that, although it does not compromise stability, we felt needed to be addressed in order to meet our goal of improving the overall player experience with Battlefield 2.

It has come to our attention that a beta version of the 1.4 client has leaked to the general public. It should be noted by players that this file is not final and being such could cause damage to players systems.

We want to warn players to avoid the use of any client files that are not distributed by EA/DICE or one of our trusted partners. Once we have set a new schedule for release we will communicate this information to everyone.

Kilde: EA.com
« Sidste ændring: 18. August '06 kl. 10:04 af Geddeth » Logget

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