Efter endnu en lang "f*ck jer, Epic, jeg skrider"-diskussion på Epics officielle UT3 server mailingliste, kom der d. 26/11 følgende fra Josh Markiewicz @ Epic:
I assure you that UT3 is not dead.
It's still very much being worked on and it's a slap in the face to everyone here still working on it
to have to even read emails like this.
Have a nice holiday...
Dagen efter kom følgende fra Steve Polge @ Epic:
We’ve been keeping quiet about our upcoming UT3 plans because we’ve found it’s better not to say anything
when we aren’t sure of the timing of upcoming releases.
However, as Mark hinted, we have been working on a large update and expansion to UT3, and we’ll be starting to talk more about it soon.