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Forfatter Emne: Moonbase Alpha  (Læst 14762 gange)
0 Medlemmer og 1 Gæst læser dette emne.
Übergamer wannabe
WanParty Medlem
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Beskeder: 844

"Maybe if we build a giant, wooden badger..."

« Dato: 7. Juli '10 kl. 14:23 »

NASA har lavet et spil Grin

Det hedder Moonbase Alpha, det kan hentes gratis via Steam, og det er faktisk enormt sjovt. Kort og godt er konceptet i spillet at man er et hold astronauter på en base på månen. Der er en flok meteorer som slår ned på basen og ødelægger life support systemet, og det er så op til spillerne at reparere det før ilten slipper op. Det er ret simpelt og går ret langsomt, men det er også temmelig sjovt. Det langsomme gameplay giver mulighed for reelt teamwork, i modsætning til de fleste team-baserede spil, som ofte går så stærkt at man ikke kan stoppe op og lægge en plan.

Jeg vil varmt anbefale alle at prøve det, og hvis der er andre som kan lide det kan vi prøve at lave nogle spontan events med det. Jeg tror det er endnu federe hvis vi er på teamspeak og kan snakke sammen i real-time.

Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
   - Douglas Adams

WanParty Medlem
Offline Offline

Beskeder: 109

« Svar #1 Dato: 9. Juli '10 kl. 14:53 »

Gife Link til spillet Smiley så vi kan hente det og prøve det

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
Übergamer wannabe
WanParty Medlem
Offline Offline

Beskeder: 844

"Maybe if we build a giant, wooden badger..."

« Svar #2 Dato: 9. Juli '10 kl. 16:30 »

Gife Link til spillet Smiley så vi kan hente det og prøve det
Undskyld, jeg gik ud fra at "via Steam" var nok. Værsågod Blink Tunge


Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
   - Douglas Adams

Übergamer wannabe
WanParty Medlem
Offline Offline

Beskeder: 844

"Maybe if we build a giant, wooden badger..."

« Svar #3 Dato: 9. Juli '10 kl. 16:33 »

Okay, skulle det lykkes at samle folk nok, har jeg begået en plan. Den er timet og tilrettelagt, og burde, hvis den bliver eksekveret ordentligt, kunne få os ret højt op på rangstigen.

Grundlæggende får hver spiller tildelt en rolle, og der er specifikke instruktioner til hver rolle.

Wishbone's Grand Master Plan
- Moonbase repair #101

Player 1 - Grabber bot

1. Look at the map of the life support system. If there is any one kind of circuit of which two can profitably be switched instead of repaired (one grey, one red, for instance), grab a spare from the toolshed and drop it on the ground.

2. Get a grabber bot out of the toolshed. You can safely move the slider a ways towards the speed end. You won't need the bot long enough for the battery to die anyway. Move a ways towards the life support system (so the bot won't get out of range) and set it up.

3. Drive back to the toolshed and pick up the circuit you dropped. Go and switch the one of that kind most in need of it.

4. Drive around to the four spare circuits in the CO2 Filter section. Grab the spare CO2 filter and switch the one most in need of it.

5. Grab the spare O2/N2 Controller and switch the one most in need of it.

6/7. Go back to the spare circuits, grab either one, and switch the one most in need of it.

8. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

General rules:

- Circuits that should not be repaired (because they have been switched or because you know you are going to switch them) should be moved far enough away from the life support system that it is obvious they have been moved. This should be a priority to avoid wasting the welder's time.

- It is a good idea to get the oxygen flowing as soon as possible, so restore some function as quickly as you can. This means that if a circuit has been blown out, but is only marginally damaged, put a fresh circuit in anyway, and use the marginally damaged one to replace a heavily damaged or destroyed one later. Or to put it another way, if there is an empty circuit slot, put in a fresh circuit ASAP.

Player 2 - Welder bot

1. Get a welder bot out of the toolshed. You can safely move the slider a ways towards the speed end. You won't need the bot long enough for the battery to die anyway. Move a ways towards the life support system (so the bot won't get out of range) and set it up.

2. Fix all yellow circuits. Both in the system and on the ground.

3. Use your judgement. Talk to Player 1, and find out if he needs more replacements. Figure out whether it is faster for you to fix some orange circuits, or to go get spares for Player 1 to slot in.

4. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

Player 3 - Solar panels, disconnected lines

1. Get a rover. Drive it to the tool shed.

2. Wait for Player 4 to load a new solar panel onto the rover and enter it.

3. Drive the rover to the most heavily damaged panel and get out.

4. Lower the panel.

5. Go and reconnect disconnected lines, starting with Line 1 (the northernmost line).

6. Switch any destroyed couplers that Player 4 has loosened the lines of.

7. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

Player 4 - Solar panels, disconnected lines

1. Get a new solar panel out of the tool shed.

2. Load the panel onto the rover brought up by Player 3. Enter the rover.

3. Get out of the rover at the most heavily damaged panel.

4. Remove the damaged panel once Player 3 has lowered it.

5. Get the new panel from the rover and mount it.

6. Get a wrench from the toolbox by the panels. Follow Player 3 and fasten the lines that he reconnects.

7. Loosen the lines of any destroyed couplers. Fasten them again when Player 3 has switched them.

8. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

Player 5 - Damaged lines and power couplers

1. Get a welder out of the tool shed.

2. Go and fix the lines and couplers of Line 1, starting from the life support system.

3. When you get to Player 6, repeat with Line 2. Then Line 3, then Line 4.

4. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

Player 6 - Damaged lines and power couplers

1. Get a welder out of the tool shed.

2. If Panel 1 is damaged, but not the most damaged one, go and fix that.

3. Go and fix the lines and couplers of Line 1, starting from the solar panel.

4. When you get to Player 5, repeat points 2 and 3 with Line 2. Then Line 3, then Line 4.

5. If there is nothing more for you to do, find out if there is another area you can help with.

Nothing travels faster than light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
   - Douglas Adams

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