Jeg har installeret et webinterface til serveren (McMyAdmin), der letter administrationen af serveren, og giver os ovenstående server monitor.
Der er også nogle nye kommandoer man kan bruge:
* accept: Accept another users 'join' or 'request' command.
* ban (user): Ban a user by their username.
* ban-ip (ip): Ban a particular IP address.
* decline: Decline another users 'join' or 'request' command.
* goto (user): Teleport yourself to a named user.
* help [command]: Get a list of commands or help on a specific command.
* invite (user): Invite a user to join you.
* join (user): Request to join a user.
* kick (user): Kick a user off the server (they can rejoin).
* lastseen (user): Check when a user was last seen online.
* motd: Show the current message of the day.
* pardon (user): Remove a ban on a username.
* pardon-ip (ip): Remove a ban on an IP address.
* ping: Check if the server is still alive.
* players
* save-all: Save the current state of the server.
* say
* serverstats: Show server information.
* servertime
* tp (user) (user): Teleport the first user to the second user.
* userstats (user): Show historical data for a given user.
* whois (user): Show a users WHOIS information.
Lad mig høre, hvis der er problemer med det..