Titel: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 20. Februar '09 kl. 08:41 UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! (https://wanparty.dk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=265&Itemid=2)
(https://wanparty.dk/images/stories/UT3/ut3-titan-pack.jpg) Som nogen ved, så har Epic arbejdet på en bonuspakke med indhold, udover deres nyeste patch (patch 1.4? 1.5? .. 2.0? Hvem ved ...) Det store spørgsmål omkring Titan Pack, som den kaldes, har været om den ville koste penge. Det viser sig ikke at være tilfældet, så udover en ny patch til UT3 (læs mere (https://wanparty.dk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=260&Itemid=1) ), får vi altså en bonuspakke spækket med indhold. Udvalgte features i Titan Pack:
Det hele lyder jo interessant, men især beskrivelsen af den nye Titan mutator er læseværdig: Titan Mutator: Fyld dit "Titan meter" ved at dræbe modstandere (med bonuser for multikills og killing sprees), tage flag eller noder og ved at gennemføre andre mål i spillet. Når dit Titan-meter er fyldt, kan du transformere dig til en kæmpe med en kraftig rocket launcher, masser af hitpoint og et ødelæggende "ground pound attack". Dræbte Titans selv-destruerer efter en kort nedtælling, så kom af vejen, hvis du dræber en! Når du er blevet til en Titan, kan du fylde dit meter igen for at transformere dig til en Behemoth! Behemoths er enorme - næsten 10 meter høje - omvandrende klippestykker af ødelæggelse, men selv-destruerer efter 30 sekunder. Det er vigtigt at vælge det rigtige tidspunkt at transformere sig til en Titan, da denne tilstand også har flere begrænsninger. Titans kan ikke bruge køretøjer, bære på flag eller orbs eller Greed skulls. Titans kan heller ikke indtage Warfare noder eller samle våben eller powerups op. Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 20. Februar '09 kl. 08:48 En interessant detalje omkring Titans (som BeyondUnreal beskriver den): Titan mutatoren kan bruges på ethvert map, med enhver gametype.
Så man kan forestille sig en spiltype som CTF eller TDM, hvor et helt hold koordinerer at transformere sig til Titans samtidig - pludselig spiller modstanderne udelukkende mod gigantiske monstre med vanvittige rocket launchers! :o ;D Titans bevæger sig dog ikke ret hurtigt, og har kun 2 forskellige våben, så det er vigtigt at vælge det rigtige tidspunkt. Under alle omstændiger har det potentiale til at gøre spillene mere interessante (men ingen garantier, naturligvis - ikke længere ... :-\) Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 22. Februar '09 kl. 19:44 For et par dage siden kom der en beta af patch 2.0 ud til Windows:
Citat Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 17:04:28 -0500 From: Steve Polge <Steve.Polge@EPICGAMES.COM> Subject: [ut3servers] UT3 Patch 2.0 Beta 1 To: <UT3SERVERS@LIST.EPICGAMES.COM> We have Steam and non-Steam versions of the beta patch for UT3 version 2.0 (just the patch, not the Titan pack with the new maps and gametypes) ready for testing. You can join public 1.3 servers, but 1.3 clients cannot join 2.0 servers. This is a closed beta, so please don't distribute it beyond your own servers or make it generally available to the public. -- RETAIL INSTRUCTIONS -- You can download an installer for non-Steam versions here: https://www.epicgames.com/download/slkfj239df/UT3Patch4Beta1d.exe (https://www.epicgames.com/download/slkfj239df/UT3Patch4Beta1d.exe) -- STEAM INSTRUCTIONS -- If you have a Steam version of the game (purchased through Steam or upgraded your boxed copy to a Steam version by registering your CD key [see https://tinyurl.com/b25ksz]) then you can download the beta patch through Steam using the following command line (EVERY TIME you run Steam, not just once): Steam.exe -beta ut30206 If you auto-run Steam at boot, you will have to quit it and rerun it every time you boot. Without that commandline, Steam will automatically downgrade back to the 1.3 patch. Note that you can upgrade your retail copy of UT3 by activating your box CD-Key in the Steam interface. This beta contains the changes listed in the previously released patch notes, along with the following additional changes: - Try multiple STUN servers if first one fails. Fixes users incorrectly getting the "Your network configuration may not be compatible..." warning. - Various localization fixes in all languages. - Now writes mod config files to mod directory, and auto-find config files in moddir\config or moddir. - Now autofinds localization files in moddir\localization. - Now finds splash image in moddir\splash. - Fixed gamespy rank query results. Now always properly centers the querying player in the returned list. - Added a dialog warning users of nvidia driver version that are known to crash UT3, and to upgrade. Folk på mailinglisten er allerede i fuld gang med at rapportere bugs, men en patch til Linux-serveren viser sig nok først, når den er ude af Beta, ligesom med sidste patch. Så vi må vente lidt før vi kan teste den på WP-serveren. Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 24. Februar '09 kl. 18:13 Detaljer omkring de to nye gametypes i Titan Pack:
Citat fra: https://www.destructoid.com/preview-unreal-tournament-iii-titan-pack-122282.phtml The new Greed mode is kind of like capture the flag, except that you're picking up the skulls of your kills. The goal is to kill and not be killed, taking your haul of skulls to the enemy base to cash them in to amass the most points before time runs down. Should you be hit, your skull collection will fly everywhere, much like Sonic's rings when he's hit. It's a fast-paced and fun twist with lot of interesting new strategy possibilities. I found myself creeping behind a reasonably talented enemy, watching him pick off the weak and build a big skull collection. And then I'd knock him off, take his skulls, and laugh all the way to the enemy base to cash them in. Good fun. Betrayal is my favorite new mode in the Titan pack. In what usually becomes a crazy free-for-all, you and some other random player will be temporarily teamed up. Every kill you or your teammate makes is added to a pot. But know this: betrayal is essentially a death match where you're expected to betray your teammate. When that amassed pot is large, you can actually kill your teammate with alternate fire and take the pot for yourself, increasing your kill count. There's a lot of ways to strategize toward a win, but I found that waiting and then taking is best. Essentially, this is a game for assholes. Naturally, I won the first game we played. Og også lidt info om nogle af de nye baner: Citat Maps: all of this madness goes down on 16 new maps. Well, it's actually 11 new maps, as 5 of them come from the Xbox 360 versions that no one else got. There's 6 deathmatch maps, 3 capture the flag ones, 3 more CTF in vehicle ones, and 4 warfare maps. I actually did manage to play them all. Going through them would be a lengthy exercise, so I picked out some highlights: * Eden, Inc - kind of a nod to BioShock, and the new X-ray field deployable is available here. * Koos Barge - from the Xbox 360. Now a kickass place to throw down in Betrayal mode with its tight quarters and corridors * Nanoblack - big bases, nice sniper areas, and huge open areas in between. We played Greed here, and it worked well. CTF-Shaft: (https://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/24/f_CTFShaft468m_7062824.jpg) Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 3. Marts '09 kl. 11:25 Har man af en eller anden grund stadig ikke UT3, så er der da en mulighed for at få en gratis Steam-kopi her:
https://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=183992 Bare skriv en kommentar, så er du med i lodtrækningen om 5 kopier af UT3 på Steam, op til Titan Pack udkommer d. 5/3. Easy peasy. Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 5. Marts '09 kl. 06:56 Disse to links vil blive offentliggjort af Epic senere i dag:
https://www.epicgames.com/download/v3sdgfj409/UT3Patch4.exe (https://www.epicgames.com/download/v3sdgfj409/UT3Patch4.exe) (309 MB) https://www.epicgames.com/download/v3sdgfj409/UT3TitanPack.exe (https://www.epicgames.com/download/v3sdgfj409/UT3TitanPack.exe) (916 MB) W00t! ;D Oh, og en tutorial video om Greed, en af de to nye gametypes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxrpyOBe8zU&fmt=22 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxrpyOBe8zU&fmt=22) Titel: Sv: UT3 Titan pack: 5. marts 2009! Besked af: Geddeth på 5. Marts '09 kl. 08:53 Nu til download fra wanparty.dk:
https://wanparty.dk/index.php?option=com_weblinks&catid=28&Itemid=23 (https://wanparty.dk/index.php?option=com_weblinks&catid=28&Itemid=23) |